Will I Spend Eternity In Heaven?
Queen Victoria's Testimony

Are  we destined to pass our time on earth in a continual and  fearful uncertainty,  living daily with the terror of not knowing  whether  or not we shall end up in Heaven or Hell at last? Or may we know here and now that Heaven is our destiny, and be absolutely certain of the fact?

Queen  Victoria  wanted to be sure. After attending a service  in  St. Paul's Cathedral, she asked her Chaplain, "Can one be absolutely  sure in this life of eternal safety?" But he knew of no way to be certain.

The  "Court  News" published these remarks and so they  became  widely circulated  throughout the land. Moved by what he read in a copy  that he  happened to come across, a quiet and unassuming evangelist by  the name  of  John Townsend began to think and pray  about  answering  her himself. Finally he sent the following letter to the Queen;

"To her Gracious Majesty, our beloved Queen Victoria, from one of  her most humble subjects:

With  trembling hands, but heartfelt love, and because I know that  we can be absolutely sure now of our eternal life in the Home that  Jesus went  to  prepare, may I ask your Most Gracious Majesty  to  read  the following passages of Scripture: John 3:16; Romans 10:9,10?

These  passages  prove that there is full assurance  of  salvation  by faith  in our Lord Jesus Christ for those who believe and  accept  His finished work.

I sign myself, your servant for Jesus' sake,

                                John Townsend"

John Townsend told others about his letter to the Queen. Many  prayers from  many  hearts went up to God. In about two weeks  he  received  a modest-looking envelope in which was the following letter;

"To John Townsend:

Your letter of recent date I received and in reply would state that  I have carefully and prayerfully read the portions of Scripture referred to.  I  believe in the finished work of Christ for me,  and  trust  by God's  grace  to  meet you in that Home of which He  said,  "I  go  to prepare a place for you."

                       (signed) Victoria Guelph"

Some  years  later the Queen was visiting the tenants on  one  of  the Royal  Estates, and an old lady nervously came up to  her,  curtseyed, and said, trembling, "Your Majesty, will I see you in Heaven one day?"

Victoria smiled, and replied, "By the all-availing blood of Jesus, you most certainly shall, my dear! I have His word on it!"

God had graciously brought the Queen to full assurance of faith.  From the day she received that humble letter she knew that Heaven was hers.

     (See also John 20:31; John 5:24; John 10:27,28, Romans 6:23)

(Assembled from various sources, but mainly from a "Bible Distributors" tract. We would be grateful for any further information about "Bible Distributors".)

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